Leaving in an Ambulance
If you have been seriously injured in a car accident, leaving in an ambulance is for the best. Call our experienced Brevard car accident lawyers for help.
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Do I have to leave the scene of the accident in an ambulance?
Yes, you can go to the hospital the next day or as soon thereafter as possible, even if you didn’t leave the scene of the accident in an ambulance. Florida does have a 14-day rule — you have to seek treatment with a medical care provider within 14 days, otherwise your PIP benefits will not be activated. Many times people tell me that they didn’t even feel an injury at the scene of the accident and it wasn’t until later that they started realizing that they had a problem. You want to treat it as soon as possible, and the next day is not too late to do so.
Were you or a loved one seriously injured in an automobile crash in Florida and want to know if you should leave the scene of the accident in an ambulance?
Contact the experienced Brevard County car accident lawyers at Layman Law Firm to schedule a free, confidential consultation.
Let our experience work for you.
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