Category Archives: Car Accidents

What to Do If You Are Involved in a Melbourne Car Accident

What should I bring to the consultation with my attorney after a car accident

No one anticipates being involved in a car crash, which can make the experience even more frightening and stressful if you do find yourself the victim of a motor vehicle collision. You may suffer physical injuries, psychological trauma, and financial hardship because of the accident. Knowing what to do in the minutes, days, and weeks […]

Can I Sue If I Am Injured in a Car Accident Caused by a Farmer’s Animals?

Although it often comes as a surprise to visitors, residents of the State of Florida know that you don’t have to travel very far from popular tourist destinations such as Melbourne to find yourself in a rural area where livestock far outnumber humans. Unfortunately, that means that collisions involving farm animals are a common occurrence. […]

Should I Sue a Drunk Driver for My Accident Injuries in Florida?

Gathering Car Accident Evidence

Throughout the nation, someone is injured in a drunk driving crash every 90 seconds, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Victims involved in an alcohol-impaired driving collision can suffer serious injuries that cause physical pain, financial devastation, and emotional trauma. A fatal drunk driving accident leaves the survivors shattered and trying to […]